ESTA 美國免簽證可轉換身分? 我媽是綠卡持有人 幫我申請綠卡已超過兩年 到現在還沒有消息 我現在持ESTA 免簽 進美國 請問1下是否可轉換身分? 永久居留? 最好解答: ESTA 美國免簽證可轉換身分? ESTA可前往美國洽商或觀光(B簽證之旅行目的)並可停留達90天 惟停留天數不得延長 VWP旅客在美期間亦不得改變其身分 除美國公民的配偶、父母、未成年子女 相干詞: 美國免簽證國家,美國免簽證計畫,去美國免簽證,入境美國免簽證,台灣美國免簽證,美國免簽證待遇,美國免簽證國,到美國免簽證,去美國免簽證國家,入境美國免簽證方案 美國免簽證,美國,身分,永久居留,綠卡,簽證,VWP,洽商,消息,觀光其它回答: 001 回答者: Gary ( 博士級 1 級 ) 善於領域: 美加 | 移民 2013-08-04 17:25:08 The answer is no.
1. Assuming a visa quota is available to you (all F2A preference are current at this moment), your petition (filed by your mother) will be sent to appropriate office for processing based on the choice made at the time of petition. For example, USCIS's National Benefit Center (NBC) for adjudication within the U.S. or State Department's National Visa Center (NVC) for outside U.S. and then diplomatic posts.
In most of the cases, your petition will be sent to NVC and then AIT in Taiwan. Additional step is required for the petition to be transfer back.
Bottom line - USCIS does not have your petition for you to apply.
2. F2B preference (Unmarried Sons and Daughters (21 years of age or older) of Permanent Residents) is currently experiencing a 8-year waiting time. Given your information, you still have 6 or more years to go.
Bottom line - you are not yet ready.
3. No petition is allowed for all visa-free travel with ESTA. In other words, a person who comes in visa-free can't apply for extension/change of status/adjustment of status at all.
The only exception is Canadian. 1意見: 001 意見者: Gary ( 博士級 1 級 ) 善於領域: 美加 | 移民 發表時間: 2013-08-04 17:25:59 JJ - all visa-free travel (with ESTA) can't do anything for their status.
Only Canadian are excepted. 1 |